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Restaurant hospitality management and customer relations

Menu Engineering and Optimization

  • Solution: Comprehensive menu engineering analysis to optimize menu layout, pricing strategies, item profitability, and menu item placement for maximum revenue generation.
  • Key Points: Menu profitability analysis, item categorization, pricing optimization, and strategic menu design recommendations.
Food Service

Trusted by 300+ Companies

Trusted by 300+ Companies

Cafe Menu
  • Solution: Identification and optimization of high-profit menu items, modification or removal of low-profit items, and implementation of upselling and cross-selling strategies.
  • Key Points: Menu item profitability assessment, cost analysis, pricing adjustments, upselling techniques, and cross-selling opportunities.
  • Solution: Creative menu design and presentation recommendations to enhance visual appeal, readability, and customer engagement, aligned with brand identity and target market preferences.
  • Key Points: Menu layout optimization, font selection, imagery incorporation, and thematic design elements.
Working in Cafe
sales forecast

 Sales Analysis and Forecasting

  • Solution: Sales data analysis and forecasting to identify trends, seasonal variations, and customer preferences, informing menu adjustments and promotional strategies.
  • Key Points: Sales data analysis, trend identification, demand forecasting, and menu adaptation strategies.

Client Success Story

Client Faced

The Challenge 


Tripsy, a newly established contemporary Indian  restaurant, faced challenges in optimizing its menu offerings and maximizing profitability while maintaining its unique culinary identity.

SJR Provided

The Solution

Conducted a thorough menu engineering analysis to assess The profitability of each menu item, categorizing them based on popularity and profitability.

Identified high-profit margin dishes and recommended pricing adjustments to enhance profitability without compromising value perception.

Redesigned the menu layout and presentation to improve readability, highlight signature dishes, and incorporate visually appealing design elements that reflected Tripsy's modern aesthetic

Implemented upselling and cross-selling strategies, training staff to recommend complementary dishes and premium add-ons to enhance The overall dining experience and increase average check size.

We Achieved

The Outcome

 Increased profitability and revenue generation through strategic menu adjustments and pricing optimization.

Enhanced customer satisfaction and engagement with a visually appealing and well-organized menu layout.

Improved staff efficiency and sales performance through upselling and cross-selling training initiatives.

Established Tripsy as a popular dining destination known for its innovative menu offerings and exceptional guest experience.

Making you Successful

By leveraging the expertise and solutions provided by SJR Restaurant Consultants, Tripsy successfully optimized its menu engineering strategies, driving profitability, and establishing a strong brand identity within the competitive restaurant landscape.

 Dating at Restaurant